A habit I wish I didn’t have………
Well I’d presume this would be a bad habit because I am not sure why people would want to get rid of a good habit? I have my fair share of bad habits; I am the first to admit my own faults. This wasn’t always easy but as I’ve grown and got wiser (I hope!) I am completely ok with admitting my own faults.
I’d say that a habit I wish I didn’t have would be the ability to snooze my alarm for two straight hours in the morning…..with my alarm going off every 5 to 10 minutes!!! I DESPISE mornings, I have never and will never be a morning person. Along with excessive snoozing of the alarm I also possess the ability to fall completely back to sleep in-between ‘snoozes’!!
I am fortunate that I do not have a position that requires me to be at work by a specific time, although I am sure that if that were the case I would get up on time as I’m never late for 7 or 8am hockey games I have to ref…….but alas I do not have a job with such a requirement and therefore I SNOOZE…….excessively!!!
So that’s it I guess………a bad habit I WISH I didn’t have!!!!
I’m sure it messes me up for over all sleep experience, but those 10 minutes between snoozes feel like the best sleep ever when I am deciding to hit that snooze button one more time.
Exactly!! People say it messes with your sleep, blah blah blah……..I think its GLORIOUS!!!!!
I used to have a 2 hour snooze-fest, but it was wildly unpopular with the other person in the bed. I now have 4 alarm clocks set for 30 minutes apart
Oh yeah, I guess I can say I am lucky that Jeanna and I are alike in this regard LOL!!! Or I should say she sleeps through my alarm clock, but she does wake up with hers to get to work on time (after a couple snoozes).
I have tried setting multiple alarms, setting them in multiple locations, etc etc……still no luck LOL!!!
Smoking! I wish I could quit for GOOD and never look back!
Do it!!!!!!!