Just write……today I write about one of my biggest pet peeves – at the workplace – the ELEVATOR.
I work in a rather large organization, the building has 10 floors and just my luck you can find me located in my cube on the 10th floor every day. What does this mean? Well it means there are numerous possible stops before we reach the 10th floor, lucky me!!
Days when I get into the elevator and I’m all alone it feels like some sort of blessing has being bestowed upon me. I mean, how could I get THIS lucky? A one way trip, no stops, no connections, no layovers!
I totally understand when there is a large group of individuals standing by the elevator, say at 8am in the morning or right around lunch time as everyone is returning to their desks from the cafeteria, I get that everyone needs to use the elevator in these instances, so I get in, push 10, walk to the back, and I wait…usually impatiently for the elevator to ding and the doors to open on the 10th floor.
What I DON’T get and will NEVER understand is the need of people to run, at break neck speeds, in work attire, often wearing ridiculous high-heeled shoes, or dragging a huge laptop bag on wheels, or (and this is my personal best) all of the above, and they run to get into the elevator, despite the fact that the doors are already closing. They go through such extremes and the kicker is…….there are FIVE other elevators!!
Really?? I don’t see what can be so pressing that the 20 seconds you saved by running, looking like an idiot, rounding the corner as you turn into an already closing elevator door, can be worth it? I guarantee you, if you are ‘that’ person, and are making a dash for the elevator that is closing and I’m inside that elevator, I am not going to push the door open button. I appreciate the entertainment you provide by looking like a fool and then getting a fright as you feel for a split second the doors might actually close on you, or heaven forbid, on your big, over packed laptop bag.
SLOW DOWN people…….nothing in life is worth that frantic dash for a half closed elevator!!
I wrote this post as part of Heather at The Extraordinary-Ordinary’s Just Write exercise. Head on over if you want to learn and read more!
There will ALWAYS be another elevator!
I agree!!! I think I’ll make a sign to post to make people aware of this fact!! LOL!! Thanks for stopping by, and commenting!!
I know exactly what you mean- exactly!
haha……I am glad someone else shares my pain!! Well not glad……but you know what I mean
Whenever someone pulls out in front of us while driving or does this sort of thing with an elevator my husband always says, “it’s a me first society”
Yeah. True. And it’s annoying
Very good analysis of the situation ….I must remember this when it happens again (tomorrow ……)!!!
This happened today right before I sat down to wrote for “just write” at least it was great inspiration!!!!
Thanks for checking out my blog!!
That world is foreign to me. whew!…
Well conveyed and humorous.
You are lucky!!!
Thanks for the nice words!!!
Never a more accurate description of these fools that rush for the closing door. Lol it is very amusing and as you say there are a lot of elevators so it is not as if you going to wait 30 mins for the next one.
Funny. I used to do that but now I have two children and lots of stuff to carry, I refrain from partaking in this foolish sport.
Hello. magnificent job. I did not anticipate this. This is a remarkable story. Thanks!