Yeah this picture pretty accurately explains how I feel right now……Can someone please help the ‘ass’ back down to the ground??
Anyone who knows me, knows that I usually always take on too much!! I play hockey, I ref hockey, I day-dream about hockey, I go to work (and day-dream about hockey), I have a horrible commute which sucks too much time from my life, I am in an MBA program that is a big fan of kicking my ass, and I have the most amazing girlfriend who is there for me 24/7 and I feel horrible as I don’t get to spend nearly enough time with her, but I know she is supporting me 200%!!!
So this brings me to the here and now……the present, which is supposedly a gift right?? I am feeling as if someone has put the world on my shoulders and a rather overweight individual is sitting on top of it. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t the first time, and I can guarantee you it will NOT be the last time. I am a high-strung, stressed out individual (thanks to my dad for sharing this with me!) alas……..I just feel like I need to run……..well walk/drive cause my knees don’t like me when I run……….to a big open area and scream LOUD, but that is provided I don’t have a headache, as I usually do!!
This organizational leadership class I am is sucking the soul from my body…….a bit dramatic I know, but honestly this class is really the biggest load of crap!! NO two people have the same definition of leadership and we have to spend 6 weeks studying it and writing papers on it all of which are basically a load of shit just typed up in different ways!! And the teacher grades super strict and I JUST DON’T GET IT……I sit staring at my screen thinking of what to say and how to say it and NOTHING comes out!!
If it wasn’t for Jeanna I’d have lost it a long time ago, she helps keep me sane, she points out that perhaps things are not as difficult as my mind makes them!! Have I said yet how much I love this amazing lady? Cause I do!!!!!!
Basically we have this Thursday and next left of this class, which means that our final exam will be due between 9/22 and 9/29…..this is adding to my stress level as I have not kept up to date with the readings, partly because I spend all my freaking time trying to do the papers and because when I try read it I fall asleep!!!!!
So with all this said, basically I am blogging about the fact that I am freaking out a little…..I know I’ll get through it all, I always do don’t really have any other option, right?? However, blogging/venting about it makes me feel better about it and heaven knows it’s cheaper than a shrink and I don’t have time for one anyways!!
Debs my angel, you make me laugh because I know you so well, you are always stressing and things turn out just dandy. I have never know you not to stress, no matter how much I try speak sense into you and tell you it will in fall into place baby girl. I could not agree more that you always take on to much, but that seems to be the way you thrive. You will get your MBA and do it with flying colours as usual. So take a deep breath my darling girl, and just get stuck in and stop day dreaming and it will all come out in the wash. RELAX pretend you have Ouma’s nature she never let anything get her down no matter how bad it seemed, you know what I mean, how she was. Love you darling and have complete faith in you that you will get that ass back on the ground eventually especially with the loving help and care from Jeanna. Hugs and kisses.
Yup!!!!! This too shall pass