Well 65 years ago today the world was blessed by the birth of Olivia Mc Loughlin nee Fritz. Known to everyone as Bino Mc Loughlin.
My mom is probably one of the most amazing people I know and ever will know!!! But wouldn’t anyone writing a blog post about their mom say that??
HOWEVER, I have proof….she’s always put her family first….even if that meant going without!! She loves us all unconditionally, would give us the shirt off her back if we needed it and supported us all in whatever endeavors we attempted!!!
So as I share something I wrote this weekend about a special memory I have with my mom, I want to take this opportunity to say:
When I think back to the time I got to spend with my mom before immigrating to the united states I have an uncountable number of memories, my mother was and still is my very best friend. But this piece calls for me to describe that one place, the place she was in her element.
It’s her living room, the furry carpet at your feet and the slightly beaten up blue couch to sit on. Although I’m sure there was more laying down then there was sitting. It’s her and I, it’s any night of the week, we’re watching TV, who knows what it is on, it really is not important. It’s the sitting there, talking, talking about anything and everything. As the night passes, the talking gets less and less, are we watching TV more? Probably not…….we’ve now progressed to the ‘fall in front of the TV’ mode of our night. My mom always on my right, she’d start to lean, her eyes getting heavier, this must have made her head heavier too as she started to lay down on the couch, the comfy yet beaten up blue couch. Then I too, although I try to fight it, give into the sleepiness that is consuming me. I lean over to my right, and I lay my weary head down to rest on my mother….and there, just like that, as comfortable as either of us will ever be, we SLEEP!!!
(my mom’s favorite color is red…..hence all the RED in this blog!!)
Hi there Baby girl, thank you so much this is beautiful. Love you more than you will ever know. This made me smile as those memories creep back into my mind.
Love ya old lady
What a nice post! Thanks for stopping by ~ http://aissafamily.blogspot.com/
Thank you!!! And no problem, I plan on being back a lot to check things out
Awww… i loved reading this… I can NOT wait to meet this amazing woman you speak of… she has a lot to live up to for all the stories i hear but I AM sure she is even more amazing than word!!!
Better prepare yourself….she’s pretty damn Awesome!!!!!
Debbie, this is an amazing post! Love it as I know where you are coming from – as I have the same kind of relationship with my mom
Bino, you have raised a great person here and that is a reflection of how great a person you are yourself! Happy Birthday
Ahhh thanks for the nice words!!!! She’s pretty Awesome! !!!!
Hi Debs thanks my darling and thanks for all the kind words, Debs you scare me you building me up to something I dont know if I can live up to hahaha. Love you all. Hugs and kisses your everloving mama.
ahhhh you got this momma!!
piece of cake!!! Love ya!!