This topic is blog worthy as there is a distinct need and reason for different shaped bowls and plates when one partakes in the glorious times known as breakfast, lunch and dinner!! After a lengthy discussion with Jeanna last night as to what kind of plate set we were going to buy I realized we might have a ‘problem’….and it follows below……(BTW….we were not actually dish shopping, this was merely a random discussion we had while driving last night)
Jeanna said she liked the one (half or maybe third) set of plates I have that have are ‘deeper’ with more of a brim to them as that way you don’t spill your food. I, however, had to firmly disagree with this statement, my explanation is as follows. When I eat cereal I need a BOWL……a deep bowl to get all my yummy rice krispies or corn flakes in the bowl with my milk and sugar and then there is indeed a need to not spill as its milk and no one wants milk on their couch, carpets etc. Any sudden movements made with a bowl that is not deep enough could cause such an unwanted outcome. Therefore, when eating cereal one needs a BOWL……but when one is eating lunch or dinner one needs a PLATE……a flat plate so there’s enough room to put ALL of your scrumptious dinner on the plate and a plate that’s ‘deeper’ with a brim is really just a waste of perfectly good usable ‘space’ on your plate.
Who do you agree with? I mean a fear of spilling our lunch or dinner….?? Are we 3? In which case I’d definitely recommend a ‘bowl’ type of plate for making eating a less messy experience but we are not 3……and we have no little ones running around the house (well except Tanner and Logan and they too eat out of bowls!!) Of course this is my blog so I am taking a biased viewpoint because these are my pointless thoughts documented for all to see LOL!!
Well I guess plate shopping is going to be an interesting time for us and will likely result in another pointless blog of the experience!! Of course if anyone were to, say, maybe, possibly gift us a set of dishes I am sure we’d be more than willing to make sacrifices and make the set work!! In fact I’m sure we would (just saying!!)
Thoughts……comments……..ideas……suggestions are welcome and actually encouraged!!!
Debbie – you make me laugh! But being the foody I am.. I had to comment on this one. And like you the following is just my humble BIASED opinion. Also note, I do not eat cereal. I prefer flat plates, there could be a small decorative brim, but really if you want to cut your steak, and have ample room to cut and scoop other food – a flat plate works well. Now here is where it gets tricky… You also need a deep plate, for what you ask? For pastas with lots of sauce, for stews, for all those times a bowl just doesn’t seem right, and a flat plate is just too flat. On to the issue of bowls – At our house we have two sets of bowls.. a dessert style bowl and regular “cereal” bowl. I have never once used the “cereal” bowls. My husband uses them for cereal, soups, ice cream etc… but I just find them too big and too deep – I mean who knows what’s really at the bottom, right?? I prefer eating soup out of the smaller dessert bowls.. one so I can have smaller portions, and two, so that if I want more I can get more.. and my second serving is still hot. Now that I’ve rambled on… I thought of a question for you… which spoon do you use to eat cereal, the dessert spoon or the soup spoon?? It’s a constant debate at our house. I eat everything that requires a spoon with the small dessert spoon (unless I am at a restaurant with full silverware setting provided).
You pose an interesting question!!!! I eat ice cream (which I have a new love for) with the small spoon….makes it seem to last longer!! Haha!!! I eat cereal with the bigger spoon but Ive been known to switch it up from time to time and use a small spoon!!! You know the saying….a change is as good as a holiday LOL!!!!
I am in agreement soup in a shallow bowl is best…but I don’t eat that often….