Gradie is our first child and just like all parents we sure had a lot to learn about what exactly it was to be moms. Possibly one of the hardest issues we dealt with throughout Gradie’s first year was occasional constipation.
As if having a brand new baby at home wasn’t confusing and challenging enough you also have to learn about poop – all kinds of poop. In fact, talking about poop, its color, its consistency, its frequency, becomes ‘normal’ and almost encouraged. If you’re a new parent or need a refresher take a look at the information below which explains what colors your infants poop can come in, what is considered normal and when you should consult your pediatrician.
Having an infant who deals with occasional constipation is a challenge. A lot of people offer you a lot of advice, like bicycling her legs and giving her prune juice, but we really didn’t find anything that helped Gradie and we did not want to resort to medications if at all possible. If only we had Enfamil® Reguline™!!
Reguline is an everyday formula for your infant that is designed to promote comfortable and soft stools. It is also designed to help support your child’s digestive health.
Enfamil Reguline has a blend of two prebiotics that have been clinically proven in Enfamil Infant to promote soft stools. Prebiotics are a type of carbohydrate, also found in breast milk, which helps feed the good bacteria that is in your child’s digestive system.
Enfamil Reguline can be used all through your baby’s first year. It has brain-nourishing DHA and choline so you can rest easy knowing baby is getting good nutrition throughout the critical first year of development.
If your child, grandchild, niece or nephew suffers from occasional constipation I encourage you to head over to the Reguline website to learn more. I am confident that Gradie’s digestive issues would have been less severe had we used Enfamil Reguline. Take a look at the summary information below of all the great features that Enfamil Reguline will offer your little one.
You can purchase Reguline in the regular ‘tub’ 20.4oz size, pictured below, and for those days when you’re in a rush or on the go be sure to stock up on the Reguline ready to use 6 pack of 8 fl oz bottles.
Of course before you make any changes to your child’s diet or if you’re concerned about their occasional constipation I recommend you consult your pediatrician. Lastly, if you have any product related questions I urge you to contact Enfamil at 1-800-BABY123.
I received product and compensation for this sponsored post written by me on behalf of Mead Johnson Nutrition. All opinions are my own and not those of Mead Johnson Nutrition.
Enfamil would be happy to help you with your question. Please contact them at 1-800-BABY-123.
This would have been nice to have read when lo was younger! Good to know, for sure will pass along! Thanks
Yes please do share it, hopefully it’ll help another little one as I know it could have helped my daughter!!
Isn’t it funny what u talk about as parents…. everybody poops! Thanks for sharing!
Oh how life changes when we have kids – it seems nothing is off limit with regards to what we talk about.
I had no idea there was a formula to help with this. I was just Googling infant constipation and found your article, this is definitely what my little ones needs. I’m going to check it out tonight at Target!!!! THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING!!!
I just wish we’d known about it when Gradie was an infant. I hope it’ll help your little one!!
I had no idea this existed, I breastfed mine, but it would have been nice to be able to supplement when needed, this would have helped a lot since my baby seemed to be fussy and constipated at times.