DIY Homemade Soap Scum Remover & Daily Shower Cleaner
Soap Scum Remover
- 1 C vinegar
- 1 TBSP corn starch
- 2 TBSP (blue) Dawn
- Spray bottle
Stir cornstarch into vinegar
Heat in microwave for 2 minutes
Remove and stir (should be gel like)
Add 2 TBSP blue Dawn to spray bottle
Add the cornstarch/vinegar gel mixture
Gently shake.
Spray on tub/shower, leave for 10-15 minutes, wipe down
Follow up by rinsing with hot water.
Daily Shower Cleaner
- Spray bottler
- 2 C vinegar
- 2 C blue Dawn
Heat vinegar in a microwave safe container for 90 seconds
Transfer to a spray bottle
Add Dawn and gently shake
Spray on shower walls/tub, leave for 60-100 minutes then rinse with hot water
Every time before you use this shake the bottle well, spray all of the tub/shower and leave it on for 60-100 minutes. Follow up with rinsing with hot water.
These are great DIY homemade bathroom cleaner recipes. I’m looking forward to giving this a try. Thank you for sharing this DIY post.
This concoction is genius.Always hated the fumes from commercial cleaners.
I have to try this!
These are some great Do-It-Yourself cleaning products! I always knew about vinegar and water to clean things, but did not know about adding cornstarch and Dawn liquid! Sounds like a great idea to know what’s in your cleaning product!
I like that it’s natural and inexpensive to make. I don’t like using harsh chemicals to clean.
I needed to find something that would work on my shower doors. I’m going to give this a try. Thanks for the FYI.
Wow, these are really simple and easy recipes. I love the idea of not using chemicals when I clean. thanks!
I’ve always known about vinegar and water for cleaning…but, I had no idea about the cornstarch, or the Dawn liquid! Definitely a cheaper way to go!!!
I’d like to try this out. Thanks for the recipe!
I’ll have to give my daughter this recipe for her shower at college.
Cleaning products are so expensive. Thanks for sharing this great idea that is sure to save money!
Thank you for sharing these simple DIY cleaning recipes. I will be bookmarking this page on my computer. Thank you again.
I must admit…I knew about vinegar and water for cleaning windows. But, had no idea you could add corn starch, and detergent to make a cleanser! Excellent idea!!!
Will it work on ovens?
I am going to give this a try. Scrubbing the shower can be a tough job. Thank you for sharing
I’ve been wondering what I could use to take care of this, seeing I won’t spend a lot of money on a bottle of whatever. This almost seems to easy and simple to be true, but I’m definitely going to try it!!